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Wildfire Saviour

ighoshsubho's github profile

The ultimate application for detecting wildfire and notifying in time!

Usability Hub

KhushiVaiskyar's github profile

UsabilityHub is a remote user research platform that takes the guesswork out of design decisions by validating them with real users.

Book Recommendation System

Sakhi29's github profile

A book recommendation system using content and collaborative filtering based techniques with good frontend using Flask

AI Fusion

PriyansuMaurya's github profile

AI Fusion is one place for all your AI needs. It serves as your ultimate destination for streamlined access to a curated collection of powerful AI tools and prompts. With direct links to a variety of resources, our website eliminates hassle and empowers you to effortlessly enhance your productivity.

Netflix Landing Page Clone

kartikjoshi267's github profile

This is a Netflix Landing Page Clone

Super Chat

ighoshsubho's github profile

A realtime chat app built using react and firebase!

Weather App

coderhersh's github profile

Weather web app made with reactjs JS and tailwindcss which fetches API from OpenWeatherMap based on the location entered in the search box.

BMI Calculator

sumitkr2000's github profile

BMI Calculator is used to measure the Body Mass Index of a person. By measuring BMI, a person can know if he is underweight, normal or overweight.


onur-celik's github profile

Invester, an open source investment tracking software that lets you create a custom dashboard with 10+ real-time widgets. Track your portfolio performance and market trends in real-time with easy-to-use, fully customizable tools that integrate with popular financial data sources.

An spotify Clone

Sahilll15's github profile

Songyfy is an outstanding Spotify Clone leveraging ReactJS and the Spotify API. Immerse yourself in the world of music as you explore your favorite tunes, artists, and playlists, all within this impressive web application.